Soft hands in just 3 days

whipped shea butter cream
Whipped shea butter soufflé

It’s quite simple really. Wash your hands and if possible scrub them. Either with a salt scrub or a nail brush. This removes dead skin cells that make your hands look old and wrinkly (like mine do on occasions…).

Dry your hands thoroughly and then use a big dollop of my whipped shea butter cream and distribute this evenly over our hands, between your fingers, your cuticles.  If you find that the cream has sunk in before the next step, apply more. Your hands should be oily and the cream should still be visible on your hands.

Then – take a pair of soft white cotton gloves and put them on. Next, go to bed and sleep. Hence use this technique before you go to bed at night. The next morning when you wake up and remove the gloves you will find that your hands are already a lot softer. Repeat this 3 times in a row i.e. over a period of 3 days and your wrinkly, old-looking hands will have transformed into beautiful, smooth skinned, lovely looking hands.

You can of course do this every night. There is no harm in smothering your hands in lovely shea butter and covering them with gloves. During summer it may become a bit hot as the gloves warm up the skin which helps draw the shea butter’s omega oils into the skin which makes it soft and supple.

I have been told by eczema sufferers that is a wonderful treatment for their skin condition and helps keep the condition at bay – much better than topical steroid creams for example. Try it and see whether it works for you.

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